Ultimate Guide to All A to Z Cheat Codes for Gamers

Ultimate Guide to All A to Z Cheat Codes for Gamers

Ultimate Guide to All A to Z Cheat Codes for Gamers

Ultimate Guide to All A to Z Cheat Codes for Gamers

Cheat codes have been an integral part of gaming culture since the early days of video games. They serve as a fun way to enhance gameplay, explore hidden features, and unlock new content. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore a comprehensive list of cheat codes from A to Z, along with tips on how to use them effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer looking to relive some nostalgic experiences or a newcomer trying to get an edge, this guide will help you navigate the vast world of cheat codes.

What Are Cheat Codes?

Cheat codes are sequences of inputs that modify the game’s behavior in various ways. They can unlock special abilities, provide in-game currency, skip levels, or reveal hidden items. Although cheat codes can sometimes seem like a shortcut, they can also enhance the gaming experience by allowing players to experiment and enjoy the game in unique ways.

How to Use Cheat Codes

  1. Know Your Platform: Different gaming platforms (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, etc.) have varying methods for entering cheat codes. Make sure you know the appropriate input methods for your device.

  2. Timing Is Key: Some cheat codes need to be entered during specific moments in the game, like before a mission starts or while in a particular menu. Read the instructions thoroughly to ensure success.

  3. Save Your Progress: Before entering any cheat code, it’s a good idea to save your game. This way, if a code doesn’t behave as expected, you won’t lose your progress.

  4. Stay Updated: Game developers occasionally patch games and can disable certain cheat codes in updates. Always check the latest information to ensure your codes will work.

A to Z Cheat Codes


  • Assassin’s Creed II: Enter “AltairisSogno” to unlock all of the items in the game.


  • Bioshock: Use the code “L3, R3, L3, R3” on the main menu to unlock the developer menu.


  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: In multiplayer mode, type “cheatcode” in the console to enable cheats for weapons and perks.


  • Doom (1993): Typing “IDDQD” enables God mode, making you invulnerable to enemy attacks.


  • Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Use the command “tgm” in the console to toggle god mode and infinite resources.


  • Final Fantasy VII: In the menu, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select + Start to unlock all characters.


  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: Enter “HESOYAM” for $250,000, full health, and armor.


  • Halo: Combat Evolved: Use the “Y, B, Y, X” input at the main menu to unlock hidden levels.


  • Injustice: Gods Among Us: Press “L1 + R1 + L1 + R1” to unlock all characters.


  • Jetpack Joyride: Enter “JETAIR” as a username to unlock additional gadgets.


  • Kingdom Hearts: On the main screen, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down to unlock bonus features.


  • LEGO Harry Potter: Type “SPOILER” to unlock all characters.


  • Mortal Kombat X: Input “UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT” to unlock all fighters.


  • Need for Speed: Most Wanted: Enter “NFS-NEEDYOURCAR” in the pause menu for instant cash.


  • Overwatch: Use “Ctrl + Shift + O” in the chat to activate the April Fools code.


  • Portal: Enter “sv_cheats 1” in the console, then “give portalgun” to acquire the portal gun.


  • Quake: Type “god” in the console for invincibility.


  • Red Dead Redemption 2: Use “YoullThankMeLater” to unlock the classic RPG elements.


  • Sonic the Hedgehog: In the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, L, R to access level select.


  • The Sims: Use “motherlode” to gain $50,000 instantly.


  • Uncharted 4: Input “UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT” to unlock all trophies.


  • Valorant: Enter “c/command” while in-game for quick commands.


  • Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Use “addmoney(500)” in the console for instant currency.


  • XCOM 2: Type “giveitem” for access to all equipment.


  • Yakuza: Like a Dragon: Press “L1 + R1 + L1 + R1” at the main menu to unlock all mini-games.


  • Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Input the commands on the title screen to unlock the Master Mode.


Cheat codes can add a whole new dimension to the gaming experience, whether you’re looking to have fun or simply explore your favorite games more freely. Remember to share these with friends and discuss your experiences with different cheats. Happy gaming, and may your cheat code endeavors lead you to new adventures in the gaming world! Always practice responsible gaming and enjoy everything your favorite titles have to offer.