MAria Elisa was today, the 10th, one of the guests of Claudio Ramos and Cristina Ferreira in 'Two to 10'. To the conversation, the journalist shared something unusual that she went through last year – which forced her to get her driving letter again.
“It happened to me such a funny thing here a few months ago, they won't believe it,” he said.
“I was caught in a stop operation the first time in my life. I calmly stopped, 'Oh sir agent how are you?'” He reported.
“This was in September and the Lord – who was friendly and a new boy – begins to look at the letter and says, 'My lady, your letter expired in June.' I do years in June. 'Oh, sir agent, Sorry, two months and such … 'he paused and said,' 1972 '”he stressed, leaving the presenters laughing at laughter.
“Until 70, the letter every five years has to be renewed, but from 70 is two in two. And I didn't know! And I have 74. So my letter was expired for two years and such. In short. : I went to take the letter again, “he added.
Look here The fun moment.
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