[Trending News] Trump's Second Bank in Gaza

[Trending News] Trump's Second Bank in Gaza

Based on a swipe policy, in his new presidency Donald Trump is proposed to reconfigure the world order, from commerce to supranational institutions. On Palestine/Israel, it has proclaimed the end of the solution of the two states, not by political realism, but in the culmination line of the Nakba that the Israel government pursues.

The statements of this Tuesday in Washington, accompanied by Netanyahu, are his second swipe on the Gaza Strip. The first was to impose a truce that could not impose Biden. With this second, Trump tells the world who decides in Israel, Jordan and Egypt, a kind of subrogated states of the United States. And refile a warning to Saudi Arabia, which has remained in the shadow in recent weeks and does not ignore that, to a large extent, it depends on the future of the Arab world, an increasingly nebula political notion. Trump behaves like who puts the money, because in fact the United States is the one who has financed the current genocide in Gaza, as the antisionist Jews and the American Palestinian community of Palestinian origin repeat again and again. During the war in Gaza, the US has given Israel a military aid declared worth more than 22,000 million dollars.

The Palestinians frequently accompany Gaza's name with the epithet Azza (“unbearable”), in a word game that comes to say that with Gaza you can not. We already know that Trump does not understand, or care. But more it would be worth considering if he really wants to “learn from history”, as he has boasted to be doing when designing the new Washington policy for the strip. Gaza is the cradle of the Palestinian National Movement, its political parties were founded and the first armed resistance against Israel was organized; The popular intifada also gestated there. Treating its people as a naked cattle to which you can take to the slaughterhouse of history is typical of a mentality that precisely despises the story and is believed with the ability to do it. The results of this type of behavior have always been catastrophic.

Trump Rediseña The Map of the East next to the coup d'etat and culture of the show, and propels Zionist mythology towards the future: Gaza will be the American Riviera de Oriente.

To those who resisted calling things by name, Trump makes it easy: he promises ethnic cleaning, luxury colonies, American control of the territory. If more signs of Trump fascism were needed, we have them there. The world cannot remain indifferent, although surely. In Palestine it is thought that waiting is a dead end. The political myopia of this moment is tremendous. Europe is still absent. Hamas is warning. The Israeli army and the settlers have the West Bank and Jerusalem in flames. And in Washington, you talk about beach vacation.