[Trending News] The rain storm in Spain, live | Aemet warns of the effects of Borrasca Jana, which will leave abundant rains since Friday

[Trending News] The rain storm in Spain, live | Aemet warns of the effects of Borrasca Jana, which will leave abundant rains since Friday
Mazón moves to Navarrés, Anna and Enguera (Valencia) to follow the evolution of the rains

Mazón moves to Navarrés, Anna and Enguera (Valencia) to follow the evolution of the rainsEuropa Press

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazónhas moved to Valencian towns of Navarre, Anna and Enguera Together with the President of the Diputación de Valencia, Vicent Mompó, To follow the evolution of the rain storm that R has causedhigh rainfall in the region of the Canal of Navarres.

In addition, He has visited the Laguar Valley, One of the areas affected by rainfall, accompanied by the mayor of the town, Juan Carlos Mengual Mengual, by provincial deputies Francisco Cano and Arturo Poquet and by the chief inspector of the Provincial Firefighters Consortium of Alicante, Francisco Rubio.

In NavarreMazón has traveled several areas to verify the degree of affectation due to high rainfall. In addition, it has approached the surroundings of the Escalona dam, accompanied by the mayor of Navarrés, Federico Argente, and by the Exalcaldesa and Senator Estela Darocasreports the autonomous administration.

Subsequently, the Chief of the Consell has attended to the source of March in Anna together with the mayor of this municipality, Miguel Marín. He has also visited Enguera with the mayor, Matilde Marín, to tour the Rambla de Albalat.

In the Visit to the Laguar Valley, The president has approached the surroundings of the D'Sbert dam, which these days is collecting all the water in the area, where 400 liters per square meter have been registered in the neighboring Valls de Galllinera and Vall d'Ebo.