He PP has eliminated a video that launched this Thursday to “denounce the corruption of the Government of Pedro Sánchez”in which images of beaches and symbols of the Dominican Republic were used to caricaturize socialist leaders in an alleged “island of corruptions”, in reference to the television program 'the island of temptations', which is rolled precisely in the Caribbean country, after the Complaints from the Dominican Executive.
In a press conference, to questions from journalists about the video, the spokesman of the popular group in Congress, Miguel Tellado, has forgiven the Dominican Republic And he pointed out that he has already been removed from his social networks.
The Government of the Dominican Republic has considered “unacceptable” the video to qualify the country as “Island of Corruptions”. “Es unacceptable the instrumentalization of the country's imagedenaturing its national symbols, and worse, for internal affairs of Spanish politics, “the Dominican Foreign Ministry criticized in the social network X.
“We regret this free grievance that does not reflect the historic relationship of fraternity Between both nations, “says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic in a statement, in which he also recalls that” the Dominican government has been internationally recognized by its notable advances in strengthening the rule of law and transparency. “
Video made with ia
The video He got thousands of visualizationsat a time when the formation of Alberto Núñez Feijóo seeks to enhance his digital profile to reach more citizens with their messages, especially young people.
In the Images elaborated by AI The names of “Pedro, Begoña, Ábalos, Jésica, Aldama, Armengol, the Prosecutor, Cerdán and Ángel Víctor” appear as contestants of the program. All of them posing from the beach, as the popular does reality.
“Corruption, lust, ambition, lies”added the message of the video of the Popular Party. Then an off -hearted voice to that of the presenter – concluded: “Welcome to the island of Corruptions.”
Tellado points out that Sánchez is the one who must apologize
On the other hand, Tellado has replicated that “It is Pedro Sánchez who would have to apologize for corruption plots” after the president of the Government recognized that this video had produced “shame.”
Thus, it has insisted that it is Sanchez who must apologize for the “corruption plots, bites and commissions” with which it was number two of the PSOE to the head, in reference to former Minister José Luis Ábalos, investigated in the 'Koldo plot'.
Sánchez laments the video and apologizes to the Dominican Republic
Sanchez referred to the video at the press conference offered on Thursday in Brussels at the end of the Extraordinary European Council. Although he admitted not to have seen him for having been all day at the meetings of the summit, he assured that he produced “shame” and apologized to the Dominican Republic because images of that country would have been used.
“All I can say is that I feel very shame and that On behalf of Spain, I'm sorry, I'm deeply sorry. The Dominican Republic is an extraordinary country, a friendly country, a country with which we have historical cultural ties that Spain appreciates, “he added.
And in that line, he continued: “I am extremely embarrassed and I apologize to the Dominican Republic and the Dominicans and Dominican for this shameful video to which they will have to answer who has published it.”
The Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, also considered that the video shows that in the PP they are “absolutely incapacitated to govern Spain.”
“Instead of being next to the government, they are dedicated with techniques that degrade the policy to defame and insult a brother people like the Dominican,” he affected in statements to the media, so he has urged the 'popular' to apologize.