[Trending News] The definitive agreement between Antonio Canales and their homemade: the complaints are dismissed and forgive the debt to the dancer

[Trending News] The definitive agreement between Antonio Canales and their homemade: the complaints are dismissed and forgive the debt to the dancer

The countdown begins so that Antonio Canales I leave your home from El Alamo. After months in which his landlord accused him of 'Inquiokupar' the housethe dancer seems willing to leave.

It was thanks Sinaithe president of the Gypsy Society of Spain, which channels decided to leave the house definitely. As he told us, he reached a according to the owners in which, if the dancer gave him the keys, They would forgive the debt what you have.

In and now Sonsoles have the Exclusive agreement to which all parties have reached. According to this, the dismissal of all Judicial procedures that they may have begun or are pending acceptance for processing, now and in the future, of any inconvenience derived from the present conflict due to the non -payment of the income.

“The two parties have signed the contract and There is already peace and blessing“Sinai Giménez points out. The president of the Gypsy Society of Spain has clarified that The complaints have been removed by both parties and Debts have been forgiven.

At this time, the move has already begun, but there are no movements in the house of El Alamo and all the eyes are put in the dwelling of the Bailaor. When will it leave?