A study by researchers from Türkiye and Canada changed the perception of the tectonic plates of the Pacific Ocean, the largest on Earth. Contrary to what the scientific community found earlier, they are not so rigid, but are deforming long before they reach subduction zones, when one plaque dives under the other.

Published in Advance Earth and Space Sciences, the research analyzed four major submarine plateaus (Ontong Java, Shatsky, Hess and Manihiki) and found cracks, flaws, and signs that these regions were “stretching” while traveling the ocean.
However, scientists believed that the plates were rigid as they “traveled” through the ocean and that this kind of deformation would only happen when it was very close to colliding or diving under the other.

What is the impact of the Pacific Ocean tectonic plates?
The authors of the article believe that these areas of damaged plateaus are more fragile because they have a thicker crust. And even if thousands of kilometers away, they feel the “tug” of the subduction zones.
These sudden movements increase the risk of earthquakes and tsunamis in coastal regions. However, much less intense than those in subduction zones that occur in Japan, for example.
Moreover, the possibility of a tsunami is very low, although possible, as these phenomena occur in the middle of the ocean, far from the inhabited regions.