The Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) registered two seismos with epicenter northeast of Silves during the early hours of Wednesday with a one-minute difference between them.
According to the institute's statement, the earthquakes had a magnitude of 2.9 and 2.7 on the Richter scale and occurred at 3:12 and 03h11 this Wednesday, respectively.
The earthquakes were recorded at the seismic network stations of the continent and the epicenter was located about 25 km northeast of Silves. So far the IPMA has not received “no information confirming that this earthquake has been felt.”
Registered two replicas of 2.4 and 1.8 of the 4.7 seismal seism in Lisbon on Monday
These two earthquakes happen the week when, in the Lisbon region, a 4.7 earthquake was felt on the Richter scale. Following it, the IPMA registered two replicas, one of a magnitude of 2.4 and epicenter about 12 kilometers (at 10:36) southwest of Seixal, very close to that of the earthquake that felt on Monday, and the second Registered an hour later (at 11:34), which had an even less intensity, with a magnitude of 1.8 on the Richter scale.
During the morning of Wednesday, the IPMA reported that it was also registered, at 10:43, at the seismic network stations, a magnitude 2.6 earthquake on the Richter scale. The epicenter was located about 25 km in North-Northeast of Montalegre.
As in the early earthquakes of the dawn, there is also no information that the earthquake has been felt.
“Natural event,” but the little depth – and therefore more intense. Eight questions and answers about the earthquake of Lisbon
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