The NRP Polar sailboat, from the Portuguese Navy, sank during the early hours of Wednesday, at the Lisbon Naval Base, in Alfeite, and there is no victims to register.
In a statement, the Portuguese Navy explained that the sailboat “had a rapid water entry, which resulted in the loss of floatability”, which was a vessel used for instruction.
At this time, it reads in the document, diving operations are being conducted for an inspection to the ship. The objective is to “identify possible causes for their submergence and proceed to their reflutation.”
Although no environmental risk has not been detected, the Navy joined a team from the Directorate to Combat Sea Pollution, which placed antipolition barriers in the immediate vicinity of the ship.
The Polar NRP has been at the service of the Portuguese Navy since 1983 and is used by the Cadets and Aspirants of the Naval School for Training in the areas of Navigation, Marinharia and Adaptation to Sea Life.