Paulo Fernandes also claims that “the acquisitions of services invoked were not hired with Jean Barroca, but with the company Bag! Consulting, Lda. ” Jean Barroca himself also says that “Bag company! Consulting, Lda. (not myself) It was hired for a purpose – the development of a social innovation plan – which was fully fulfilled. ” Both highlight the observer that the contract is with the company and not with itself, but in fact it is a company is 50% of Jean Baroque and 50% of women.

The composition of the company's social bodies according to the Ministry of Justice website
Another of Jean Barroca's arguments to argue that not incurred It was incompatible to be a “member of a non -executive body of the city's municipality.” The North CCDR opinion mentioned above does not discriminate against executive bodies of non -executive and clearly says that municipal deputies cannot be hired by the municipality.
Baroque Jean depreciation Still the fact that the contract – for which your company and wife charged five thousand euros a day – be awarded by a PSD authority. Tells the now secretary of state to the observer that despite being paid by Fundão, the contract was “in benefit of a set of fourteen municipalities from all over the country. ” He added: “In addition to the Fundão, they were part of this network: Abrantes, Águeda, Aveiro, Caldas da Rainha, Castelo Branco, Évora, Guimarães, Montemor-o-Novo, Penela, Pombal, São João da Madeira and Tavira. It should be noted that the municipalities in question were, at the time, led by the PSD, PS and CDU. I add that these municipalities unanimously decided to hire models (to which I am alien), and that the result of the work delivered was also accepted by all, without any repairs or comments. ” However, a survey through the site allows you to realize that the public hiring of the company was only with PSD municipalities. That is: several may have used the work, as Baroque says, but only the PSD paid.
In addition to Fundão, two other local authorities in the Beirã region adjudicated public funds to the bag! Consulting in the period just over one year when the company received state money for its services. In less than 13 months, Jean Barroca and Women's company has entered into five direct adjustment contracts with public entities, all of them municipalities led by the PSD. Before May 2015, the bag! Consulting had never signed contracts with other public entities and did not do it again after July 2016, according to the base platform. In this period of just over a year, the company received 175,710 thousand euros (excluding VAT) from the beirãs municipalities.
The municipality of Manteigas, at the time led by social democrat José Manuel Biscaia, signed two contracts for direct adjustment to the consultant. The first for the “Definition of the Strategic Positioning of the municipality of Manteigas”, in the amount of 10,250 euros, in May 2015. The second was celebrated for the “preparation of a communication and brand creation plan in the municipality of Manteigas”, in the amount of 34,560 euros, in July 2016, and with a period of one year. The contracts were signed by the Municipal Vice President and now President of the Assembly of Butigas, José Manuel Saraiva Cardoso, also he from the PSD.
In July 2015, another contract signed with an orange local executive: Gouveia. Direct adjustment award of 21,000 euros for the “acquisition of services for the elaboration of the municipal strategic diagnosis” was signed by the PSD's Gouveia Municipal President, Luís Tadeu Marques.
Jean Barroca assured the observer that put — no questionnaire who sent Montenegro – who had quotas in this company. The Secretary of State for Energy also explains that “the company has no activity since 2020, having no billing at least since 2019.”
The ruler also guarantees that he will undo his participation in the company, so as not to enter the incompatibility with the position of Secretary of State: “The assignment process of my quota will happen soonwithin the terms provided for by law. ”