[Trending News] Malaga, in orange notice due to heavy rains: several municipalities already exceed 70 liters | South newspaper

[Trending News] Malaga, in orange notice due to heavy rains: several municipalities already exceed 70 liters | South newspaper

Ignacio Lillo

Almudena Nogués

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Malaga remains this Friday, February 28, under the umbrella of the orange warning. From 9.00 the province is in check before strong rainfall. In the middle of the morning the intense rain – a stormy one – has begun to be primed with the western coast, including with the municipalities of Manilva or Estepona (where 40 liters have been collected in an hour and are already counted 68.4 in 12 hours in the Royals of Sierra Bermeja, according to the last update of Hidrosur). It also highlights the accumulated in Jubrique (Genal River) – where 10.5 liters have fallen in the last hour and 74.3 in 12 hours – and in border cuts (Majada de las Lomas meter) with 41.1 liters in the last 12 hours. In the mountain range of Ronda it also rains abundantly and in some locations accompanied by hail. Other locations with important accumulated are Gaucín (72.2 liros per square meters), Alpandeire (70.6) and already more distance Manilva (38,8), Cortes de la Frontera (38.4) and Ronda (33,2).

In Malaga Capital (where it rains from noon) for the moment the water falls without causing damage. Specifically, 32 liters per square meter have been recorded in the Aemet meteorological center (Teatinos) and 32.1 at the airport. For their part, the Hidrosur meters recorded early this afternoon these accumulated: the Paseo de la Farola -19.7 liters-, the Limero reservoir -20.4 liters- the Casasola reservoir -23.9 liters-, count of Guadalhorce -19.8 liters- or Guadalteba -17.6 liters-.

The Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz, has activated, at 08.02 today the Special Emergency Plan before the Risk of Flood in Andalusia (Peri) in the pre -emergence phase (operational situation 0) before the accumulated forecasts for the next hours in the autonomous community, specifically in Malaga and Cádiz in the regions of Ronda, Sol and Guadalhorce, and in the Strait and Grazalema.


In the case of the province, the largest accumulated will be given in the westernmost half of the Costa del Sol, that is, the area of ​​Marbella and Estepona and its mountains, and also in the Guadalhorce Valley where meteorologists warn the risk of discharges of up to 80 liters per square meter in 12 hours. Given this scenario -and following the protocol -in Marbella, Mayor Ángeles Muñoz has announced on social networks that activate her municipal emergency plan “given the risk of strong rainfall and wind all day today.” “We advise that all precautions be extreme,” he adds.

To these areas, the Serranía de Ronda is joined, which will also be found this Friday in orange notice, by accumulated that can reach 30 liters per square meter in an hour.

On the occasion of the weather forecast, the Citizen Foundation of the Carnival of Malaga has been forced to suspend its schedule planned for this Friday, February 28, before the threat of rain. Therefore, the fantasies, animation and children's parade is canceled for today, as well as children's workshops in the Plaza de la Constitución. The Drag Queen gala is also postponed in the Plaza de la Constitución, which was going to be at 9:00 p.m. In the province, some consistories have made the decision to close outdoor facilities. This is the case of Torremolinos: “Before the orange alert activated by rains on the Costa del Sol, during this February 28 they will remain closed to the public by caution the Park La drums, the Botanical Garden Molino de Inca and the House of Navajas,” they have announced on social networks.


Liters per square meter can accumulate in the area of ​​Marbella and Estepona this Friday, which will favor the reserves of the Pantano de la Concepción.

The 112 Service, belonging to the Andalusia Emergency Agency, has indicated that this pre -emergency phase is fundamentally characterized by the monitoring of the phenomenon produced or of the available forecasts and predictions, with the consequent information process to the competent organs and authorities in civil protection, as well as the general population.

The European model foresees that this episode leave abundant water in the province, especially in the high areas of the West Coast, where the Pantano de la Concepción is located and for which it is expected to collect around 50 l/m2, which will very expected to raise the level of reserves of the dam that supplies the Coast of the Sun.

Also in the environment of the Guadalhorce and Guadalteba reservoirs, between 30 and 40 l/m2 can be registered. In the capital and Gran Málaga will be around 20-25 l/m2, 15-20 in Antequera and around 10 in the axarchy. On the other hand, the prediction of this has approached in the last hours to that of the American model, which until now was more grassy for the province, and now also points to about 35-40 l/m2 for Marbella and Estepona, although it reduces it to 10-20 in the rest of the province.

As for the evolution along the bridge, this is still little conclusive in terms of areas, hours and intensities, although the prediction of aemet predicted that in the capital will be rains at some point in the day both on Saturday and Sunday, and even the following Monday.