Montenegro's proposal fixed May 30 as a deadline and prevented PS from prolonging CPI
Montenegro recalls that he answered the written questions of the parties he sent and was also answering in parliamentary debates.
“They don't want clarification, they're never satisfied,” he reiterates. And accuses Pedro Nuno Santos of never hiding that the goal was to “scrutinize” the company. “I have nothing against it, but I see there a hidden goal that does not correspond to what is written in its proposal of inquiry committee.” Therefore, he says, he asked Pedro Nuno Santos the clarifications and documents he would like to access, within a “reasonable” period.
Montenegro now says that May 30th would be the limit day for the work of the CPI. Fixing 90 days would have “another meaning,” he says. And he adds that until May 30 there would be “more than enough time” for the clarifications; The 90 days are “susceptible to extension,” he explains, invoking his experience as a parliamentary leader. “The political will was to slowly prolong this environment.”