The “reform” of RTVE's information services announced by José Pablo López last Thursday at parliamentary headquarters begins with his new directive structure. The president of the Corporation has reported on Wednesday to the Board of Directors and the Spanish Television Informative Councils (TVE) and National Radio of Spain (RNE) his election of Maribel Sánchez-Maroto, professional of the house and director of the documentary Nevenka, as new responsible content. It will happen to Josep Vilar, who will take over a new division of “audiovisual expansion” with direct dependence on the presidency. The Spanish Television Information Department, which remained vacant, will be exercised by Jon Ariztimuño, so far deputy director of structures and formats of informative programs.
Linked to TVE for much of her professional career, journalist Maribel Sánchez-Maroto (Madrid, 60 years) will lead the entire informative command chain. Director of Magacines and news of public television so far, has worked as a reporter and occupied sub -directions in programs such as 900 line and the 2 debate. He was also responsible for the National Policy Area of the news between 2004 and 2008, the year in which she was appointed Deputy Director of the Weekly Report and where she remained until 2010. He also directed the program Essential and was linked to other spaces such as Alaska and crowns o Open audience. During a stage outside the corporation, he collaborated with Newtral, an organization dedicated to data verification and audiovisual production. With this company he directed the documentary series for Netflix on the case of Nevenka Fernández, released in 2021. The following year, he returned to the Spanish public media corporation.
His new road map will follow the path that José Pablo López scored last Thursday in Congress. The “reform” that the president promotes through these appointments, and with which he aspires to build “a healthy democracy through information”, focuses on the following axes: “reduce the times in the processes; Answering late to a challenge is not to answer ”; build “a central table where the informative products are pumped throughout the corporation and the editorial decision making” is unified; put the 24 -hour channel “in the center of the news flow” and also remodel Radio 5 all news according to “to the trends implanted in the main international current channels”; Strengthen the presence in Latin America through alliances “from the Spanish public sector, with the EFE agency to the head”; and advance in “a unified territorial direction that reinforces the presence of public TV throughout the country.” To reinforce these pillars of Lopez Plan In informative services, Sánchez-Maroto will feature Jon Ariztimuño as an ally on TVE.
Ariztimuño (Pamplona, 44 years old) treasures an extensive academic curriculum, as well as international experience at the CNN headquarters in Atlanta. And he has been in the pools to be part of the dome of the information services since the return of José Pablo López to the Corporation as president at the proposal of the PSOE. López trusted him during previous professional stages, when he served as a manager of the private thirteen TV and then put himself in front of Madrid public television. Ariztimuño worked in the informative divisions of both chains (the last one was fired in a “inadmissible” way, according to a judgment of the Superior Court of Madrid ratified by the Supreme, after the legal reform undertaken by the regional president Isabel Díaz Ayuso) until his arrival A RTVE.
López had been in the Directorate of General Content in the Corporation for a few months when Ariztimuño arrived in the autumn of 2022 to assume the sub -direction of structures and formats of informative programs, performance that he has developed so far. A time in which he has lived events such as López's dismissal last March as director of general content and his subsequent return at the end of the year as president after the approval of a government decree to renew RTVE. Under that decree, the president can make these appointments without the need for prior voting in the Board of Directors. According to Information Statute of the Corporation, Once these professional participation bodies will be known by the news councils, a non -binding report on the proposal will be issued within a week, for whose elaboration a referendum can convene. ” Like this report, the vote is not binding, but taken into account among the house professionals.
Agitation in Torrespaña
After the intervention of its president in parliamentary headquarters last Thursday, in the halls of the Torrespaña headquarters many members of the informative services had been murmuring about possible new headquarters. In a joint statement issued by the TVE and RNE news councils after the meeting with José Pablo López, both organs affirm that the president has committed “not to interfere in the editorial line of RTVE news, which will be the responsibility of the new appointments. ” They also certify the “ratification of the 24 -hour channel director, Cristina Onega.”
Josep Vilar has been at the forefront of the informative content since April 2022 and now leaves Sánchez-Maroto command to direct the new Division of “Audiovisual Expansion of RTVE”. With a long career in the Corporation and as a teacher, he has also developed his career in Barcelona Televisión and was a advisor to the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation between 2012 and 2018. His new direction dependent on José Pablo López plans to develop his new collaborations with companies public communication, as well as the design of strategies with private operators.
The new organization chart completes the designation last December of Oscar Torres (Ourense, 1973) as Director of Informatives of RNE. Torres combines the position with which until then he had played at the head of Radio 5 all news, and replaced Cristina Bravo (Madrid, 1980), previously responsible for the national radio information since last July. At the end of 2024 and after reaching the presidency, José Pablo López appointed Bravo Director of Territorial RTVE, a newly created position with an “autonomous structure” for the management of territorial centers. A task of the latter that is also part of the Lopez Plan For the new informative management whose dome is definitely drawn from today.