[Trending News] Final Challenge – Miguel Vicente reacts to teasing: “Do you think I'm playing with my son?”

[Trending News] Final Challenge – Miguel Vicente reacts to teasing: “Do you think I'm playing with my son?”

After the gala of Final challengeas well TVI, this Sunday, February 23, Miguel Vicente vented with Joana Diniz on Bruno de Carvalho.

Read: Final Challenge – Inês Morais leaves Miguel Vicente to 'threaten': “I know much more than you think …”

“There are things that are so ours that …”

“You can play with what you want, you can say what you want…”, he began by saying Joana Diniz, after Miguel Vicente begins to talk about Bruno de Carvalho's attitude.

But I'm not playing with him. Do you think I'm playing with my son? You are playing? ”Miguel Vicente,” said a reaction from Joana Vicente: “I am not saying that you are playing with this, There are things that are so ours that do not have to come here…”

See also: Final Challenge: The controversy is installed! Miguel Vicente and Inês Morais have been saved from the expulsion

Texto: Rita Velha
Fotos: Redes sociais