The Alberche River flood and the unbalanced from the Pantans of chopped y San Juan, In Madrid, they have caused the eviction this Sunday of half a hundred homes in Escalona (Toledo). The mayor of this town, Álvaro Gutiérrez has explained that most neighbors have decided to leave their homes, but some, “The less”They have chosen to stay and remain in high plants.
Gutiérrez has indicated that according to the information of the Emergency and Emergencies Service 112 of Castilla-La Mancha and the Hydrographic Confederation of the Tagus, in the afternoon of this Sunday there has been a “Greater” From the swamps of San Juan and Picadas, which will arrive in the next few hours to Escalona.
The mayor of Escalona has stated that since Saturday they have monitored the flood of the Alberche River, which has occurred in a “gradual” way. Instead, knowing the new information, they have been transferred to the neighbors. Therefore, it has been chosen that those who have homes near the river leave them.
Gutierrez has thanked the neighbors for the performance, because in the last hours they have been asked for responsibility and prevention «And it's what they are doingthey have acted with responsibility, wisdom and coherence ».
Yellow Notice this Monday in Andalusia
The State Meteorology Agency (AEMET) has activated the yellow notice for rain in Andalusia in the provinces of Cádiz, Granada, Huelva, Málaga y Sevillawhere rainfall is expected to leave in some regions until 40 liters per square meter in the first twelve hours. In addition, during this day the yellow alert will be activated for waves on the coast of Almería, Cádiz, Huelva and Malaga.
According to the Aemet, in Cádiz the yellow alert By rain it will remain in force until midnight on Monday in the Narrowand in GrazalemaCampiña and Gaditana coast will be activated at 06:00 hours to the end of the day. In these areas, precipitation is expected accumulated 15 liters per square meter in an hour and up to 40 l/m2 in the first twelve.
In the Huelva provincethe Yellow Notice for Rain will remain active from 12:00 to midnight this Monday in the regions of Aracena and Andévalo y Condado, where it is planned to register up to 15 liters per square meter of water accumulated in the first hour.
Already in Malaga, the rains will cause the yellow warning to remain active in Ronda, Sol and Guadalhorce and the axarchy from 12.00 to the end of the day this Sunday, where it is expected to accumulate 15 l/m2 in one hour. In the axarchy, the rains could gather up to 40 liters per square meter in the first twelve hours.
In the Sevillian lands the rain will also be seen during this day, active by the yellow warning in the same time section in the Sierra Norte and Sur, as well as the countryside.
Likewise, the yellow notice will be decreed on the rainfall from rain from 3:00 p.m. to the end of the day, where it is planned to register up to 15 liters per square meter of water accumulated in the first hour and up to 40 l/m2 in the first twelve.
The coastal phenomena will also be protagonists of the day on Monday, since it will activate the yellow warning by waves from 6:00 a.m. to midnight on the coast, and from 3:00 p.m. to the end of the day in the Strait. In these coasts will flutter from the southwest of 50 to 61 kilometers per hour (force 7) and combined sea of the west or southwest of four meters.
This alert will also affect the Huelva coast from 2:00 p.m. to the end of the day of this Monday, where it is expected to temporarily blow from the southwest of 50 to 61 kilometers per hour (force 7). Finally, in the Almeria Levante and in Sol and Guadalhorce, this notice will also be activated from 15.00 to midnight for southwest winds with intervals of 50 to 60 kilometers (force 7) and waves of two to three meters.