Prime Minister: “I will face with a huge feeling of injustice if I have to leave”
“It is not because they are often repeated inaccuracies, errors and falsehoods that things come to have the contours they want to attribute to them,” the prime minister, in response to Paulo Raimundo of the PCP, and Rui Rocha, from IL, who had made large references to Luís Montenegro's family business.
“I have not accumulated anything. I have not received a cent from anyone since I was elected as president of the PSD. I am not even bound of anyone,” he said, adding that the company that “the result was even accumulated.”
The Prime Minister took the opportunity here to launch a letter he brought in his sleeve and wanted to speak, in concrete, his relationship with the Solverde group, “the one who gave even more celebration.”
The group, he recalled, has the concession of the Casino de Espinho since 1974 – “since I was 1 year” – and was being renewed by successive governments. Under the last renewal, which happened in the Covid period, when the casinos were forced to close, “there was an agreement [com as concessionárias] And among things a decision to refer to arbitral tribunal the backwards that came from behind and one of them was with Solverde, “he explained.
At that time, “the Arbitral Tribunal decided, after a decision of the previous government, a compensation of more than 15 million euros to Solverde”, which, with interest, would reach 18 million with interest. However, the prime minister continued, the State “with the consent of this government” and in particular from the Secretary of State for Tourism and the Minister of Presidency, “decided to appeal”, a decision in which, he stressed, “the Prime Minister had no intervention” and “the Sta judged” compensation.
And the conclusion, he said, is that “there are 18 million euros of reasons to believe that the Prime Minister of Portugal is not influenced by any Interest.”
“I will face with a huge feeling of injustice if you will come out,” he would also say in response to Mariana Mortágua, from the block.