High pressures yield and, this Friday, February 7, the rapid passage of low pressure that will be formed over the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula will result in the return of rain and snow to mainland Portugal. Learn the full forecast!
This Wednesday (5) Anticyclone continues to condition the time of time in mainland Portugalkeeping the sky unusual or clean throughout the territory. This weather panorama favors the formation of frostas in many areas of the North and Center, especially in the districts of Bragança and from Guard. O vento It blows weak, usually from the east quadranthaving emerged fog in the morning in some lows and low lands.
You can start raining in these zones in the last hours of Thursday, February 6
Tomorrow – Thursday February 6 – Time will be similarexcept in Minho and Douro Litoral (districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga e Porto), where the sky will be gradually cloudy, as a harbinger of change of time we will have on Friday (7).
During the day of Thursday (6) The anticyclone will maintain atmospheric stability and a usually soap operawaiting for a new formation of frost in some interior zones of the north and center and morning fog and nalguns valleys and low lands, and in the northeast transmontano will persist until late morning.

However, also the wind It will begin to give signs of impending changes in the state of time, since in the morning it will still blow weak from east, but in the afternoon will change quadrants, blowing from west. Temperatures, both the maxims and especially the minimal, will go down slightly.
For this Thursday (6) expected to be awaited maximum between 14 e 17 ºC in most district capitals, being the lowest in the Guarda (10 ° C), in Bragança and Vila Real (both 12 ° C) and the highest in Leiria and Coimbra (18 ° C). The minimums will be equal or less than 0 ºC em Bragança, Guarda and Castelo Branco and will oscillate between 2 and 7 ° C no rest of the countryexcept in Faro where they are predicted 9 ºC.
Rain and snow forecast for this Friday, February 7
For Friday (7) a more winter and unstable time is foreseen in mainland Portugal. An front associated with the small low pressure that will have expression to the surface and will move from west to east in the Gulf of Biscaia, will allow the arrival of polar air to the most northern regions of the Iberian Peninsula, including the far north of our country. This will cause a downhill widespread temperaturesespecially of maximum and especially in the northern region. The minimum temperatures will record a variation in the opposite direction, a small climb is expected.
The sky will usually be very cloudy and predict rainfall in the north regions of the Montejunto-Master Mountain Systembeing stronger in Minho and Douro Litoral Until late morning. From the early afternoon, precipitation will go to the departure regime (weak/punctually moderate), it is expected to extend more to south and to east, covering the Center, Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve. The more to southeast of the geography of mainland Portugal, the lower the probability and frequency of precipitation.

According to the reference maps of the Meteoreddue to the aforementioned polar air and its likely combination with precipitation, there is the Possibility of snowfall at dawn on Friday (7) in the high quotas of the mountainous areas of the far north of our countrythat is, in the land of Barroso in the district of Vila Real (Serras do Gerês and Larouco) and in some mountains and mountains of Transmontana cold soilno district of Bragança.
In the afternoon, it is also expected the possibility of falling Snow at the highest points of Serra da Estrela because of the movement of post-frontal instability lines associated with low surface pressure.
It should be noted that the occurrence of precipitation, whether rain or snow, will be immensely dependent on the trajectory and final position that the always erratic cold air bag and its low pressure to the surface assume.
The wind will keep its domain from the west quadrantusually blowing with a weak to moderate intensity, sometimes strong in the highlands.
New Atlantic Storm in sight? Battle of air masses keeps uncertainty in the forecast
On Saturday (8) there are still expected remaining, weak and very dispersed, for our geography. The wind will blow from the west, there will be in some places and a small rise in the maximum temperature in the center and southern territory of the continent is expected.

According to the latest updates of our trust model, it seems that A new Atlantic storm could approach mainland Portugal between Sunday (9) and Monday (10)injecting milder air which would result in a temperature climb and in possible new rainfall periods Still in the final part of this weekend and at least during the early days of next week.
However, the great uncertainty existing in the scenarios projected by the forecast maps – the result of the battle between polar air and the tropical air – nallows to define the detail, nor fully confirm this possibility As for time in our country.