[Trending News] A month of spiritual meaning – Basque Onda

[Trending News] A month of spiritual meaning – Basque Onda

It is a month full of spiritual and community meaning. At the end of this week Thousands of Muslims based both in the Alavés and neighboring territories will begin the Ramadan for honor his God, Allahgrow spiritually and bring your belief closer. Different Muslims and even an imam – guide or spiritual boss – explain in this Diario de News from Álava What is this religious tradition based or how they will celebrate it in the next few days.

Ramadan is a sacred month for Muslims, That this year's celebration will begin in a few days. During this time, millions of believers worldwide, including thousands of Muslims based in Álava, will dedicate themselves to spiritual reflection and the strengthening of your faith. One of Ramadan's most significant practices is fasting, which is carried out from dawn to sunset. This act not only implies refraining from eating and drinking, but also negative behaviors such as anger and slander and even the possibility of maintaining sexual relations.

Through fasting, Muslims They seek to approach Allah, cultivate self -discipline and develop empathy towards those who are less fortunate. As explained and details the IMAM to this newspaper, All Muslims are called Ramadan with exceptions. For example, sick people who cannot perform fasting, or who must medicate and therefore drink water, … are exempt from being able to perform this spiritual practice. “Sick people don't have to do Ramadan, they are respected,” Zanja.

During this month, believers practice fasting from dawn to sunset, refraining from eating, drinking, smoking and maintaining sex

Nor do pregnant women or even women who are at that time with the menstrual period, among others. In addition to fasting, Ramadan is a time for Prayer, the reading of the Quran and the realization of good works. The communities come together to share foods by breaking fasting every day, which encourages a sense of community and solidarity.


Here, in Vitoria, the community meets in different mosques, for example, in Domingo Beltrán where there is a mosque With different entries so that women and men can separate, as detailed by the same sources. In Álava, Las Ramadan celebrations They can also include cultural activities and community events that allow Muslims to share their faith and traditions with others. It is a month of Deep reflection, family unit and spiritual renewal which resonates in the heart of each believer.

Muslim reading the Qur'an in a mosque.

Muslim reading the Qur'an in a mosque. DNA


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and is considered one of the most sacred periods for Muslims worldwide. During this month, believers practice fasting from dawn to sunset, Refraining, drinking, smoking and maintaining sex. As detailed, the purpose of Ramadan goes beyond simple physical deprivation since it is a time dedicated to personal reflection and prayer with the firm objective of Grow spiritually and join or get closer to their religion to Allah. “The practice of fasting also encourages empathy for those who are less fortunate, reminding believers the importance of compassion and generosity,” they detail.

For Muslims, the Quran is not just a religious book; It is a complete guide for all aspects of life

Through these fasts and the mentioned spiritual practices, many Muslims They experience significant personal growth during Ramadan. “This may include improvements in their character, interpersonal relationships and emotional well -being. ” “By experiencing hunger and thirst, Muslims develop greater empathy towards those who live in poverty and deprivation. This often translates into Charity acts during the month, where the faithful are encouraged to help those in need ”, They conclude a few days after starting Ramadan.

A time for the reflection and reading of the Quran

The Quran is divided into 114 chapters called Suras, which vary in length. Each Sura consists of verses. The first sura, Al-FATIHAit is a fundamental prayer that is recited in each unit of the Muslim prayer. On the topics that addresses it should be noted that it brings together a wide range of issues, including theology, morality, law, history and even teachings on how to live A “fair and pious” life.

A Paquistani woman shows a Quran, in a file image.

A Paquistani woman shows a Quran, in a file image.

It also includes stories about previous prophets. For Muslims, the Quran is not just a religious book; It is a complete guide for all aspects of life. Provides ethical and moral principles that must be followed in the personal, family and social relationships. Likewise, the Qur'an addresses a wide range of issues, including theology, morality, law, history and teachings on how to live a fair and pious life. It also includes stories about previous prophets, such as Adán, Noah, Abraham, Moses y y Jesus. During these days of Ramadan, thousands of Muslims will dedicate part of their spiritual time in prayer and prayer while They will dedicate care for reading this Qur'an.

Ramadan is observed by millions of Muslims around the world, creating a sense of global unity among believers. Despite cultural and geographical differencesall share the same faith and practices during this Sacred month and lasts 29 or 30 daysdepending on the observation of the new moon. This means that its beginning and end can vary every year in the Gregorian calendar, moving approximately 10-12 days forward each year.