Firefighters of the City of Fuenlabrada They have taken over this afternoon of the tasks of extinguishing the fire, already controlledof a large ship located in the Calleja Cobo Polygonin which any person has not been injured or poisoned.
Firefighters perimeter the fire, turning off from outside and letting all the flammable material be consumed inside.
There is no risk to extension of the flames since the affected ships are isolated from the rest.
It is estimated that professionals are all day the weekend to extinguish the flames that are stillmove all the material, refresh and avoid embodies.
The fire It has originated around 6.30 From this Friday in an 8,000 square meters
They have arrived to the place 15 community firefighters and Fuenlabradain total some 60 professionalsin addition to more than twenty local and national police 16 local police and 10 national police, in addition to Summa ambulances in preventivethey have not had to attend to any person.
At 7:00 p.m. there were a few firefighters from the community and some more from Fuenlabrada, who now took the command of the operation.
The fire has occurred, for reasons that are unknown at the momentin a ship on Villablino street of about 12,000 square meters used as a warehouse.
Spectacular images in view of drone of the great fire of Cobo Calleja
It is a complex that groups several ships together clothes that supply the Chinese bazaars from Madrid and much of Spain.
It's about Very flammable and toxic productswhich has hindered the work of firefighters.
A fire in a 12,000 -meter ship of the industrial estate of COBO CALLEJAIn Fuenlabrada, a large column of black smoke has produced this Friday, visible from several areas of southern Madrid.
The fire has begun after six in the morning by Unknown causessources from the 112 Emergency Service of the Community of Madrid have reported.
It is a ship of logistics used as a warehouse, with textile and bazar, located on the street Villafranca del Bierzo Esquina Valtuille, near the Cantueña Park. “They are very flammable and toxic products,” Raúl García, Fire Chief of the Community of Madrid explained.
The ship's cover, which was from Uralita, has collapsed Almost completely and also has done the north facade, informs 112. The fire was perimeter and almost controlled at noon.
It is estimated that professionals are all day in place to extinguish the flames They still remain, move all the material and avoid embers.
There is no news that there would be No person inside When the fire has been declared and when being in an isolated area, the flames will be proposed to other areas.
Without risk for the population
“The smoke column does not worry because is dissipating in the atmosphere And he does not advance to any population core, ”said the firefighters spokesman, despite the proximity of cities such as Fuenlabrada or Parla. “The smoke in itself is always toxic but we must not launch any notice to the population,” he added.
Fuenlabrada Firefighters, wind pending: “There is no danger from smoke to the population”
They are also aware of Change in the wind directionscheduled for the early afternoon, in case you had to send any notice to the population, although for now – there is no risk.
Agents have cut several accesses of traffic The Ziona was Ziona.