Hack the Box HTB Bank: An Ethical Hacking Walkthrough Guide
Welcome to our walkthrough of the Hack the Box (HTB) Bank machine! Whether you’re new to ethical hacking or looking to sharpen your skills, this guide will take you through a systematic approach to exploiting this machine, from initial enumeration to privilege escalation.
Initial Enumeration with Nmap
Our journey will start with initial enumeration, which is crucial for gathering information about the target system. For this, we will use Nmap, a powerful tool for network scanning. The first step is to perform a port scan to discover open ports:
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap_initial_scan.txt [Target_IP]
This command performs a script scan (-sC
), service version detection (-sV
), and outputs the results to a file. Look for open ports, as these could indicate potential entry points into the system.
DNS Zone Transfer
Once we identify the open ports, we can use a DNS zone transfer to gather more information about the target. This can reveal hidden subdomains that might not be readily available. The following command helps to perform a DNS zone transfer:
dig axfr [Domain_Name] @DNS_Server_IP
If the server is misconfigured, this will return a list of subdomains which can prove invaluable for further enumeration.
Directory Enumeration with FFuf
Next, we’ll use FFuf, a fast web fuzzer, for directory enumeration:
ffuf -u http://[Target_IP]/FUZZ -w /path/to/wordlist.txt
This command will help reveal hidden directories and files. Look for sensitive areas such as admin
, login
, or any specific directories that may contain vulnerabilities.
Credential Discovery
After uncovering a login page, the next step involves credential discovery. Checking for leaked credentials online or utilizing common username and password combinations can help gain access:
hydra -l admin -P /path/to/passwords.txt [Target_IP] http-get /login
This command attempts to brute-force the login page; success here may give you an initial foothold.
Reverse Shell Upload
Once you’ve gained access to the system, the next move is to upload a reverse shell. This provides a way for you to interact with the server remotely. One common method is to use a web shell, which can be uploaded via a vulnerable file upload field:
After successfully uploading the reverse shell script, you’ll need to set up a listener:
nc -lvnp [Your_Listener_Port]
When you navigate to the uploaded shell using your browser, you can execute commands from your listener.
Privilege Escalation Techniques
Now that we have a foothold on the server, the goal is to escalate privileges to the root user. This may involve finding misconfigured services or exploitable binaries. One common method is to pivot from the www-data
sudo -l
Check what commands you are allowed to run as sudo
. If you see a command with low security, it might be susceptible to privilege escalation techniques.
Examples of Privilege Escalation
Some common methods include exploiting capabilities with the setuid
or setgid
bits, or checking for kernel vulnerabilities that can be exploited to gain root access.
In conclusion, the HTB Bank machine offers an excellent hands-on opportunity to enhance your ethical hacking skills. The methodology demonstrated—from port scanning, DNS enumeration, directory discovery, to privilege escalation—provides a solid foundation for any cybersecurity enthusiast. As you navigate through these exercises, remember that ethical hacking is about learning and growing, contributing positively to the cybersecurity community.
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Feel free to check out my future videos and websites for a deeper dive into ethical hacking techniques. Happy learning!