EVILCUPS Hack The Box Retired Machines: Recon Part 2 Guide

EVILCUPS Hack The Box Retired Machines: Recon Part 2 Guide

EVILCUPS Hack The Box Retired Machines: Recon Part 2 Guide

EVILCUPS Hack The Box Retired Machines: Recon Part 2 Guide

Welcome back to our series on Hack The Box (HTB) retired machines! In our last article, we embarked on the reconnaissance phase of the EvilCUPS machine, focusing on the importance of gathering crucial information to ultimately compromise the target. Today, we’ll deepen our understanding by diving into the specifics of EVILCUPS, building on the groundwork laid previously. Remember to connect with me on X at @xcom0x_SABIR for more insights and discussions. Let’s get started!

Understanding EvilCUPS

EvilCUPS is a retired Hack The Box machine known for its unique vulnerabilities revolving around the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS). As we continue our recon, we will utilize various tools and techniques that will aid us in identifying weaknesses in the system.

Recon Part 2: Tools and Techniques

For this part of recon, we will focus on a mix of information gathering and service enumeration. Here are the key steps you should take:

1. Nmap Scanning

Before we delve deeper, we should conduct a more refined Nmap scan to capture essential service information. This includes employing scripts that can identify issues with services running on their respective ports. The command below illustrates how to achieve this:

nmap -sV -sC -p- [EVILCUPS_IP]

This command performs a service version detection (-sV), runs default scripts (-sC), and scans all ports (-p-). Interpreting the results will help you to pinpoint the services running on the machine and their potential vulnerabilities.

2. Service Enumeration

Once you have loaded the Nmap output, take special note of the ports identified. For EvilCUPS, the crucial service is CUPS, which typically runs on port 631. To gather more detailed information on this service, consider using the following command to probe specifically into CUPS:

curl -I http://[EVILCUPS_IP]:631

This will allow you to fetch HTTP headers from the CUPS service. Pay attention to the server details and if there are any other HTTP options available.

3. Directory Bruteforcing

With CUPS, you may also want to bruteforce directories to uncover hidden resources or configurations. Using tools like Dirb or Gobuster can significantly assist in this process. Here’s how you can use Gobuster:

gobuster dir -u http://[EVILCUPS_IP]:631 -w /path/to/your/wordlist.txt

This command will help you identify various directories or files associated with the CUPS service, potentially revealing misconfigurations or additional attack vectors.

4. Examining CUPS Configuration

If you uncover sensitive endpoints, such as /admin or /printers, it’s time to delve deeper. Utilizing the results from your previous scans, you can try to access the CUPS web interface to inspect configuration settings, print jobs, or even user settings.

When logging in to the CUPS interface, use default credentials if they exist, or perform password guessing using previously gathered information. Analyzing these settings could reveal potential privilege escalation paths or further vulnerabilities.

5. Checking for Sensitive Files

Once you have gained access to the CUPS interface, check for critical files that might be exposed on the server. Using directory listings or file traversal attacks could yield sensitive configuration files, which can be invaluable for further exploitation.

6. Documentation and Reporting

Finally, as you conduct your reconnaissance, it’s crucial to document your findings methodically. Creating a detailed report not only helps establish your thought process but also aids in reviewing and refining your approach for future engagements.


The reconnaissance phase is essential for any penetration testing exercise, particularly with machines like EvilCUPS, where specific services may yield unique vulnerabilities. Leveraging tools like Nmap, Gobuster, and Curl, you can gather valuable intelligence on the target’s attack surface.

Remember, ethical hacking is not just about finding vulnerabilities; it is about understanding and responsibly managing the information you uncover. Be sure to check back for the next installment, where we will discuss exploitation techniques on the EvilCUPS machine. Happy hacking, and don’t forget to reach out on X at @xcom0x_SABIR for any discussions or questions!