I do not realize this insistence of commentators to refer to the period we cross as a “political crisis.” What do you mean, “crisis”? The concept of “crisis” suggests a moment of sudden change from normal state to an atypical and severe state, which is exactly the opposite of what is happening now in Portugal. This situation in which we are on the brink of new legislative elections not only is not uncommon, but it is quite vulgar. Since 2019 the country is either in a pre-election period, or in the election period or in the post-election period. Let's go to the 4th legislative elections in 6 years. This is not exciting political crisis, it is boring political moder. Bizarre will be the next time a legislature threatens to resist until the end of the term. I say “threatening” because, sure that when the government reaches the third year without falling, the people will go out to the street to demand a return to normality, the routine of successive elections. 4 years without rallies, ruined, posters and debates is a long time. People will start to strange. The Portuguese appreciate the predictability of instability and fear the sudden lack of change. They are frightened, as in those films where, in so many, the character realizes that the birds have stopped singing and the dogs to bark. It is a sign that Cataclismo is coming. The same goes for when someone connects the television and does not hear an antenna time. “Bad! I don't hear electoralist proclamations! What is going on? ”
I apologize for now to appeal to the stratagem “at the time I write this text”, but this time it is not for a laziness to wait for new facts, it is because regardless of what has been said last night, there may still be twists. It is not certain that the word is to maintain. Therefore, as I said, when I write this text we are not yet sure if we are already going to elections or if the PS, through a tactical maneuver, extends the prime minister's validity period. For example, saving the government by letting the motion of trust, but calling it “bail”: Montenegro is like PM, but on parole. It is indifferent. Whatever has been decided, it is obvious that, in May or later, there will soon be elections. Portuguese parties no longer know how to rule for 4 years, they only know how to undertake for a while, 18 months at most. Bringing a legislature to the end requires a plan and the ability to put it into practice. Who knows how to do this? In small cycles, politicians do not need to manage, just react to what happens. In this, our rulers are stuned.
Therefore, the Portuguese are preparing to return to the polls-ballot boxes that, for the amount of times they have been used, will need to pass halibut in the grooves, so baked are due to overuse. Survey indicates that it will be a choice between the PS and the PSD – the parties who like to take us as children – and the coming – the party of those who like to take children. It was known to have one more member of the arrival, former municipal candidate, was accused of sexual abuse of a smaller student. It has not yet noticed well whether the elections will benefit the PS or PSD more, but we can be sure they will hurt the arrival. Seeing the latest polls, the percentage of votes in the arrival is approaching the age of children that party pedophiles appreciate the most. If he is as religious as he preaches, André Ventura must be interpreting this coincidence as a divine sign.