There are pros and cons and there are red lines and green lines. There are parties that do not do so by principle and others who, in principle, do everything to take place guaranteed.
There are those who make them before the elections and those who defend them after counting the votes. Each head, your sentence. As follows, I expose mine.
Or case
I believe that the periods preceding the elections should be used to exchange ideas in order to clarify voters.
The media has a big role in this context, but it is up to the parties to try to guide the narrative so that their ideas pass.
The recent history has shown us that the elections are not won, they get lost. At the end of election day, either or more than the winners, the won are discussed, which went wrong, where they failed, because your message has not passed.
Perhaps it is a feature of the Portuguese, perhaps of human nature, but identifying the faults of the expired appears to be more interesting than recognizing the merit of the opponent.
One of the issues that always comes to dance in these debates is the intellectually unimonial exercise of the “if I had gone”, as if the results already found were the same in this scenario.
Covert or not to comply, this is the question
In the case of electoral acts, in which we want each one to be free to decide what they want, we can face pre-election coalitions as a conditioning to this freedom, as they limit the choice.
Quantitybecause there are fewer options since some of them are now one. Qualitysince the coalition implies that “in the package” in which we vote for more “products” that we do not want, compared to the scenario in which each one goes for himself.
The choice will always be a commitment. We often vote for the least bad, sometimes we vote useful. But let the “invisible hand” guide the global meaning of the vote and do the math at the end.
In the end, with the weight that voters decide to give each option they had in the voting report, the lines of understanding and the red lines are defined. If this goes through post-election coalitions, each should evaluate the pros and cons of doing it.
Recently, the Elections in Germany These are an example in which potential coalitions are being defined after the results are determined. But also in Portugal, the contraption It is an example that has shown us that it is possible to make coalitions after counting the votes.
In the German case, there is tradition in this type of coalitions. In the Portuguese case, not so much, and there are even those who argue that, in part, the decline of parties to the left of the PS was accelerated by the “registration” of the Ger with.
The prognosis
As promised in the title of the text, in the end comes my prognosis.
As long as there is no renewal in the way of seeing and thinking about politics in Portugal, the concept of coalition works for the parties involved as registration when it should function as a resume. And this renewal is probably associated with a generational change.
This is due to the low level of literacy and democratic maturity in Portugal, since we follow the “are all the same” rather than “these are capable of commitments”.
We have to do homework. Work and present the ideas. Inform people. In time, we will see the coalitions as commitments. One more among the many we have to do in our daily lives.
Until then, prognoses on electoral coalitions, only at the end… of the counting of the votes.