[Trending News] The Talavera City Council alerts a possible “important” increase in the downstream

[Trending News] The Talavera City Council alerts a possible “important” increase in the downstream

The Talavera de la Reina City Council has warned through its social networks that from the Tajo Hydrographic Confederation, the increase in the flow of the flow of Decorate of the dams of Picadas and San Juan This Monday, what could trigger in a “Important” Increase in Río Alberche Flow of these dams.

From the Talaverano town hall they ask their neighbors to avoid “the displacements and, in case of having to do them, Consult the official information about the state of traffic and roads and circular by main roadsdo not cross flood areas and respect traffic cuts, in addition to not carrying out activities in channels and their proximities. “

On the other hand, they remember that in the case of emergency, 112 should be called “Rational use avoiding unnecessary calls to facilitate the work of emergency services. “

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On the other hand, the Castrejón reservoir, located near the city of ceramics, is expected to It reaches almost 100 percent filling In the next few hours.