[Trending News] Until Monday, March 10, Snowfall is expected to fall in Vila Real, Guarda, Castelo Branco and 4 more districts

[Trending News] Until Monday, March 10, Snowfall is expected to fall in Vila Real, Guarda, Castelo Branco and 4 more districts

Between Friday and Monday a large Atlantic storm will cause a radical change in the state of time. Snowfall is expected in the main mountains and mountains and, in some zones, may accumulate up to 30 cm. Learn the detailed forecast!

Alfredo Graça

Alfredo Graça 7 min

As Meteored has been referring almost a week ago, The state of time will change radically in mainland Portugal this Friday, March 7. For the next four days – Friday (7) the second (10) – a very dug storm from the Atlantic will produce adverse weather conditions from north to south of our geography.

The change of standard scheduled for tomorrow, March 7, is due to the detachment of the aforementioned Storm (or depression) of the polar jet current in a very marked way, in turn generating several low pressure centers to the surfacethat will approach and enter through our adentral territory.

The main center of low pressures (barometric depression or storm) will be located in the vicinity of the coast of Galicia and Minho, so Our country will be affected by its front, which is the most active. This storm will have a central minimum pressure of 977 hPa.

The strong wind will be one of the protagonists of the Atlantic Temporal of the coming days in mainland Portugal.

The territorial unit of Continent (18 districts) is already all under yellow and orange warninglargely especially for the forecast of temporarily strong and generally persistent rainoccasionally in the form of hail and sometimes accompanied by thunderstorm, but in some regions also because of the intense south winds, the strong maritime agitation and the snowfall.

In this article we will analyze, exclusively, what Meteored's reference maps reveal in relation to the accumulated snow.

Snowfall will increase in intensity over the weekend

Temperatures will go down due to the arrival of cold air at altitude. Despite the Aretian winds, this circumstance along with abundant cloudiness will contribute to temperatures to remain below the reference average in some regions.

This combination of cold with abundant precipitation is the perfect meteorological cocktail for falling and snow accumulation in the main mountains and mountains. Meteored maps predict snowfall for this Friday (7) at the highest points of Serra da Estrela.

rain and snow
The last hours of Saturday (8) and the early hours of Sunday (9) will be the most adverse period of snowfall, according to Meteored maps.

However, it is From Saturday (8) and – predictably until Monday (10) – that several regions of mainland Portugal will witness to the one who will probably be one of the largest – or even the largest Nevão of the season so farboth in intensity and in terms of covered geographical area.

The districts that can enjoy the snow are Viana do Castelo, Braga, Vila Real, Bragança, Viseu, Guarda and Castelo Branco. It is possible that some zones of other districts, such as those of Porto, Aveiro and Coimbrathey can watch the momentary in some places, with a very residual accumulation.

Meteored's confidence model suggests that between Saturday (8) and Monday (10) there may be snowfall above 1000/1200 meters in altitude. Having this into account – and for 7 North and Center districts already mentioned above that can enjoy snow in abundance (Accumulations between 5-30 cm) – The table below reveals All mountains and mountains where it may snow above 1000 meters of altitude in the period of 72 hours.

District under Snow Yellow Warning Mountains or elevations in which it can snow above 1000 meters in altitude
Village Serra do Gerês
Serra do Larouco
Serra da Padrela
Serra do Marão
Serra do Marão
Serra do Alvão
Serra do Barroso
Serra da Cabreira
VIANA DO CASTELO Sierra do Soajo
Yellow saw
Serra da Peneda
Castro Labor Planalto
Braga Serra do Gerês
Yellow saw
Serra da Cabreira
Bragança Serra de Montesinho
Serra da Nogueira
Serra da Crown
Sierra do Rabbit
Serra da Escoquira
Serra das Barreiras White
Viseu Serra do Caramulo
Serra de São Macário
Serra de Leomil
Guard Serra da Estrela
Malcata Serra
Serra do Açor
Branco Castle Serra da Estrela
Serra do Açor
Serra da Gardunha
Sierra de Alvelos
Malcata Serra
Source: Own elaboration.

Between all the above mentioned mountains and mountains, those where a thicker snow cloak is foreseenespecially in its main peaks and with accumulations above 10 cm and possibly to overcome the 30 cm they are: Gerês, Larouco, Padrela, Marão, Alvão, Montesinho, Nogueira, Crown and Estrela.

It is expected that the most critical phase of Nevão will take place between 21:00 Saturday, March 8 and International Women's Day and 03:00 on Sunday, March 9.

Snow can also fall in other mountains referred to in the tableand perhaps in some places of higher altitude – such as custody – but the accumulated amount will be less than 10 cm and, In most cases, less than 5 cm.

snow nevão Portugal
The 'white cloak' scheduled for the second weekend of March may lead to one of the largest, if not even the largest need of the season so far, both in intensity and in terms of covered geographical area.

Lastly, over the next four days, the four moments in which the most likely and abundant snowfall is foreseen will be: Friday (7) in the afternoon; Saturday (8) at dawn, the period between 21:00 Saturday (8) and 03:00 in the morning of Sunday (9) and Monday (10) between 03:00 and 12:00.