[Trending News] Warning to the population: heavy rain, gusts up to 100 km/h, giant waves and snow in the coming days

[Trending News] Warning to the population: heavy rain, gusts up to 100 km/h, giant waves and snow in the coming days

According to the Portuguese Institute of Sea and atmosphere, the state of time will get worse from Friday

It is foreseen an aggravation of the state of time in mainland Portugal for the next few days. The Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) provides for the occurrence of rain periods, sometimes strong, and hail, which can be accompanied by thunderstorms. The wind will blow with gusts up to 85 km/hour on the coast and 100 km/h on the highlands.

It is also foreseen strong maritime unrest on the western coast with waves up to 5 meters, and can reach 6 meters south of Cape Carvoeiro, on Sunday.

The snow will fall at the highest points of Serra da Estrela this Friday, down the quota to 1000 to 1200 meters in the North and Center, from Saturday.

Thus, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (Anepc) warns of possible danger situations, such as flooding in urban areas, caused by rainwater accumulation by obstruction of runoff systems or coastal, or full -led, potentiated by the transhipment of the bed of some water, rivers and streams courses.

It also warns of the possibility of instability of aspects, leading to mass movements (landslides, collapsed and others) motivated by water infiltration, a phenomenon that can be enhanced by the removal of vegetable cover following rural fires, or by soil artificialization.

On the road, it is necessary to pay attention to the slippery road due to the possible formation of water sheets or the accumulation of ice or snow and the dragging to the road roads of loose objects, or the detachment of moving or deficient structures, because of the strong wind

For these reasons, Anepc advises some preventive measures to minimize the impact of these effects:

  • Ensure the clearance of rainwater flow systems and removal of inert and other objects that can be dragged or create obstacles to the free flow of water;
  • Ensure adequate fixation of loose structures, namely scaffolding, placards and other suspended structures;
  • Be careful in the circulation and permanence with wooded areas, being aware of the possibility of falling branches and trees;
  • Special care in the circulation next to the coastal edge and riverside zones more vulnerable to coastal bundles, avoiding circulation and permanence in these places;
  • Do not practice sea-related activities, namely sports fishing, water sports and sea tours, avoiding the parking of vehicles very close to the sea waterfront;
  • Adopt defensive driving, reducing speed and taking special attention to any snow accumulation or formation of water sheets on road;
  • Avoid circulation on roads affected by snow accumulation.

In case of circulating on the roads affected by the snow, do not forget:

  • Verification of the state of tires and their pressures;
  • Transport and placement of snow chains in vehicles;
  • Ensure fuel supply at levels that allow us to travel alternative routes or the permanence of the vehicle in operation for long periods of time, in case of retention in the affected roads;
  • In electric vehicles, the battery charge should be checked and the existence of charging stations in your itinerary should be checked.