Keep getting excited every time you cross the finish line. Estefi Unzu, better known as Destructiones A acquaintance influencer Spanishwho has stood out for being a creator of content related to her family life, but everything she shares related to her exploits in the world of athletics. It has not been easy, then He suffers from 2021 an injury that complicates, but does not prevent, his Marathons participation: Fascia Lata Syndrome. To know more about this health problem related to physical activity, we have talked about Jesús Yagüe FloresPhysiotherapist at the Moncayo de Albacete clinic (
The most common symptoms include pain on the outside of the knee, which worsens with physical activity, sensation of friction or tension in the area and, in some cases, inflammation
What is fascia syndrome can and what are its most common symptoms?
The fascia can syndrome, also known as the iliotibial band syndrome, is a inflammation or irritation of a tissue that runs through the outside of the thighfrom the hip to the knee. It is frequent in corridors and cyclists. The most common symptoms include pain on the outer part of the kneethat worsens with physical activity, sensation of friction or tension in the area and, in some cases, inflammation.
What are the main causes of the fascia syndrome can?
This syndrome usually appears por Overload or repetitive use of the legespecially in activities such as running, riding a bike or walking long distances. It may also be due to a bad leg alignment, weakness in the hip muscles or excessive training without adequate rest.
Are there more prone people to suffer from it? What are the risk factors?
Yes, there are factors that can increase the risk of suffering this problem. Some people have a Anatomic predispositionalike an inadequate footprint or an incorrect alignment of the knee. Other risk factors include:
- Run long distances Without proper footwear.
- Excessive or warm -up training.
- Weakness of the hip or buttock.
- Irregular training surfaces The inclined.
How is the diagnosis of fascia syndrome confirmed can?
The diagnosis is based on the patient's medical history and a Physical examination performed by a physiotherapist or a doctor. The mobility of the leg is evaluated, the presence of pain when pressing the area and if there are discomfort when performing certain movements. In some cases, Image tests can be donelike an ultrasound or a magnetic resonance, To rule out other injuries.
What treatments are more effective in relieving pain and inflammation associated with this syndrome?
The most effective treatment combines rest, physiotherapy and specific exercises. It is recommended:
- Cold application in the area to reduce inflammation.
- Massages and manual therapy To relax the affected muscles.
- Use of techniques like Guided stretching and strengthening exercises.
- In some cases, the use of anti -inflammatories under medical indication.
The mobility of the leg is evaluated, the presence of pain when pressing the area and if there are discomfort when performing certain movements.
What exercises are the most recommended to strengthen and stretch the fascia can?
Key exercises include:
- Stretching: of the tensioning muscle of the fascia can and the muscles of the hip.
- Strengthening: Exercises for buttocks, quadriceps and stabilizer muscles of the hip, such as side squats or leg elevations.
- Mobility and myofascial release: Use of a foam roller to massage the iliotibial band.
How can physiotherapy help us in the recovery of the fascia syndrome can?
A physiotherapist can help reduce pain and inflammation With massages, manual therapy and techniques such as dry puncture or electrotherapy. Besides, You will teach personalized exercises to strengthen the muscles and correct imbalances that may be causing the problem.
Is it a problem that can be prevented?
Yes, it can be prevented with measures such as:
- Maintain a good muscle balance With strengthening exercises.
- Realize adequate stretching before and after exercise.
- Use a appropriate footwear and avoid running on irregular surfaces.
- Increase training intensity progressively.
What kind of footwear is more appropriate to prevent or treat fascia syndrome can?
Footwear must provide good stability and support. For runners, a Treadmill analysis To choose the right shoe type according to the way of running and the biomechanics of each person, which a podiatrist must perform.
For runners, an analysis of the footprint is recommended to choose the appropriate shoe type according to the way of running and the biomechanics of each person
How long does the complete recovery of the fascia syndrome last?
It depends on the severity of the case, but with proper treatment, Recovery usually lasts between 4 and 8 weeks. If it is treated in time and the recommendations of a physiotherapist are followed, relapses can be avoided and returned to normal activity without discomfort.