[Trending News] Will EDP Half Marathon of Lisbon run? Attention that the race time changed

[Trending News] Will EDP Half Marathon of Lisbon run? Attention that the race time changed

Is back in EDP ​​Half Marathon of Lisbon. It is already next Sunday (9) that thousands of people will join the 34th edition of the iconic race that has as its starting point the 25 de Abril bridge and arrival, as the tradition dictates, in front of the Jeronimos Monastery. This edition is marked by a novelty that can catch some off guard athletes. Especially those who are habitual presence in the competition.

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At the request of many athletes, the organization of EDP Half Marathon of Lisbon decided to anticipate the beginning of the race in half an hour. That is, the race will start at 9:30 am. This means that special attention is needed to transport to the southern bank of the Tagus. In the gallery finds the image with the time of fertagus trains. Which are free for those who present the dorsal of the race. The last train with time arrival at the race leaves Roma-Areiro at 8:53 am. Passes through Entrecampos at 8:55, Seven Rivers at 8:59 am and Campolide at 9:02 am. The arrival at Pagal happens at 9:10 am, 20 minutes before the start of the race.

Transit cut

It is also an alert to the drivers. Traffic on Pragal's viaduct will be cut between 6:30 am and 12:00 pm on Sunday. The 25 de Abril Bridge board will be closed as early as 8:15 am. It is expected that traffic resumes normality around 1 pm. The alternative will be the Vasco da Gama Bridge. It should be noted that the rail service maintains normal operation. There are also conditioning in the following accesses: Avenida José Cardoso Pires, starting in the roundabout after the Piaget Institute, to the roundabout of the hospital; Beginning of the roundabout of the right street to the Pragal Ponte towards the hospital and intersection of the Rua dos Três Vales with Avenida Torrado da Silva.

Fotos: Impala

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