Valencia. The Mayor of Valencia, María José Catalàhas signed the restructuring of the municipal government on Tuesday with the departure of Juan Manuel Badenas of the local executive. After the negotiations with Vox, and after ruling out a rupture of the coalition, Catalá has chosen to distribute the skills of Badenas among the rest of the Vox mayor. It concludes – for the moment – the crisis opened within the local Executive after knowing that this Monday Vox precautionaryly suspended Badenas for militancy for the suspicions of an alleged event of contracts in the Valencia Activa Foundation. On Monday afternoon, the popular ones already advanced that they would negotiate with the game of Santiago Abascal The impact of the Bamboo decision (Vox headquarters) in the composition of the Government of Catalá. Both the popular spokesman, Juan Carlos Caballeroas the mayor herself, they have reiterated that Badenas' militancy suspension is a “temporary” decision of Vox. Therefore, changes in the competitions announced on Tuesday could be reversed if Vox finally makes a different decision about Badenas at the end of his internal research. The mayor has clarified that in the negotiation process they have spoken “with everyone” and that “València's governance is guaranteed”, so everything indicates that Badenas would continue to support the PP-Vox coalition government despite not being part of it.
New composition of the local government
After restructuring, the new composition of the City Council remains like this: José Vicente Gosálbez assumes the area of employment, training and entrepreneurship and becomes taking charge of the Employment and Training Delegation and therefore, of the Valencia Activa Foundation. Entrepreneurship competition is maintained by the mayor Cecilia Herrero. As for the area of parks and gardens and natural spaces, its owner will be Monica Gil. Specifically, the delegation of parks and gardens and agriculture will be the responsibility of Cecilia Herrero; José Gozálbez maintains the Devesa-Albufera delegation and Gil herself will have competition on beaches.
As for the family, older and traditions area, it also falls on Mónica Gil. This area depends on the delegation of family, youth and childhood and the delegation of parties and traditions, on which Gil will be in charge. Regarding the delegation of elders and health, as well as the consumer delegation, José Gosálbez will be taken.
Vox runs out of mayor's possession
Regarding Alcladía's holdings, María José Ferrer San Segundocontinues to be the first deputy mayor, while Julia Climent It becomes second deputy mayor (the position occupied by Badenas). Juan Giner will occupy the third possession of the mayor's office. Vox is therefore without any possession of Alcladía. In addition, Catalá has appointed the councilors and councilors of the PP: María José Ferrer San Segundo, Julia Climent, Juan Giner, Juan Carlos Caballero, José Marí Olano, José Luis Moreno, Paula Llobet, Santiago Ballester and Jesús Carbonell. On the part of Vox has designated to be part of this collegiate body to Cecilia Herrero and José Gosálbez.
As for the contracts that Badenas would allegedly have rigged in favor of the IMEDES agency, Catalá reiterated on Tuesday that the legal services of the Consistory continue to analyze the details to determine if irregularities occurred. For its part, the opposition has already announced that they have denounced these contracts for the Prosecutor's Office for alleged crimes of embezzlement and prevarication.
At the moment, the Vox municipal group has not pronounced or officially appointed new spokesman. Nor has Badenas himself, who has not clarified whether he will leave the councilor's minutes and has not given explanations about the accusations of corruption. For now, Vox's national spokesman, José Antonio Fustersaid Monday that the party will not request the Badenas Act until the internal research process is completed.