Mariano Rajoy He has returned on Wednesday to the Congress of Deputies and has thrown his usual sense of humor to defend himself. The former president has assured that he had no knowledge of the call Operation Catalonia and that he never dispatched on those matters about who his Interior Minister was, Jorge Fernández Díaz.
Given the disbelief of the deputies of the PSOE who affected him that he knew nothing about it, Rajoy has used irony and has gone into the attack. “I, apparently, have to know what 100,000 police do, but the current president of the Government did not have to know what the Minister of Transportation did, who was also the second of the PSOE,” he said in an answer to the Socialists.
Rajoy was summoned to the lower house to participate in the Commission for the Investigation on the Operation Catalonia and interior actions during your government. The day has lasted about two and a half hours, an hour and a half more than expected, and has left prints of all kinds.
There has been since the complicity with the deputy Jon Iinarritu (Bildu) When both the book A better Spain written by Rajoy himself, to the tension with Manuel Arribas (PSOE) who has described as “liar” and “injurious”, going through their responses to Ion's grass (Podemos), who asked the former president if he believes that Podemos are dumb: “I will not respond to if I think you are silly, because it is not about generating a bad atmosphere,” Rajoy replied.
The commission has been an amalgam of unconnected issues with each other (who M. Rajoy is, if he is in the recordings of Villarejo, the investigations to Podemos, if the application of article 155 was constitutional …), tense at times, in which the former president has tried to leave a clear thing: he did not know anything.
“I have no knowledge of the existence of a so -called Operation CataloniaI am not aware of an alleged parapolicial plot, or the alleged irregularities that are investigated here “Rajoy has assured.
The commission was proposed by Junts and the PNV and began the last legislature, following the wake of other commissions that concluded that there was a patriotic brigade, a parapolicial group created in the Fernández Díaz stage to spy on and act against independence leaders at the peak of the peak of process.
About Fernández Díaz, Rajoy has assured that He dispatched with him questions relative exclusively to his portfolioInterior, and that did not approach the situation of Catalonia with him specifically. “I have spoken with him of Catalonia as with everyone else, that he was a member of the Council of Ministers,” said the former president.
Rajoy has based his arguments on three keys. The first, which “in the governments of the PP many summaries and investigations were opened against members of the PP. Which means that if there is a PP police, it is that we very badly handle it.”
The second, “that judicial investigations in Catalonia have always been, to see if I invented 3% of Margall.” And the third, that “the only sentence that is about it says that there is no argument or reason to open a criminal procedure.”
Ione Belarra has denounced that the deputies of Podemos were also submitted to exhaustive monitoring by the police between 2015 and 2016, when the party was better at the electoral level. This is a version that does not support the Prosecutor's Office of the National Court.
“I am a right -wing person, from provinces, but above all a democrat,” Rajoy replied. “As I am a Democrat, I would never spy to members of the General Courts. I would not have, nor will I have any interest in inspection of you because you do not seem important to my life, “Rajoy replied.
He has also spoken, before questions of Gabriel Rufián (ERC), about its imputation in Andorra for the alleged coercion to private banking d'Adorra (BPA) to obtain information from the former presidents of the Generalitat Jordi Pujol and Artur Mas. Rajoy has said that threats are not their “style” and that the Government of Spain and that of Andorra have denied, both, those hypothetical coercion.
However, the most tense moment has been with the socialist deputy Manuel Arribasthat has come to take the famous photo of the Bárcenas roles in which M. Rajoy appears underlined, to which the former president has replied that he could bring the photos of “Ábalos, Koldo and Santos Cerdán With Mrs. Jessica “.
In this turn, the former president has passed to the attack, he has told him to arrive that he has already answered some issues that he was raising, but that the deputy “has lacked sufficient reflexes to adapt to what we have heard” and has lashed out against Pedro Sánchez.
“I have the same involvement (in the Operation Catalonia) That the one that the President of the Government had (Sánchez), who does not find anything about the activities of Mr. Ábalos or Koldo, who were qualified members of his government, “said Rajoy, who has shaved the PSOE having mounted the commission “by seven votes”in reference to the deputies of Junts.
“By seven votes they have approved the amnesty and let themselves humiliate by a man who is escaped from justice. This is what this legislature is marking. They set up this Cierco to talk about something else, but this is the commission of the seven votes,” he has censored.