[Trending News] Rajoy denies in Congress to have any knowledge of the Patriotic Police: “I would never spy on members of the Cortes”

[Trending News] Rajoy denies in Congress to have any knowledge of the Patriotic Police: “I would never spy on members of the Cortes”

The appearance of more than three hours of former president Mariano Rajoy ended before the commission that investigates the Catalonia Operation on the assembly of a para -political plot to spin Bárcenas or if his ministers informed him in his offices of his most delicate efforts. Rajoy denied everything. The former president said they never told him anything about those actions of a series of police officers caught by positions of their interior ministries against members of other parties. The only Catalonia operation he admitted was what he considers a “pride” because it allowed, thanks to the application of article 155, to stop what he insisted on cataloging as “the coup d'etat” of the independence leaders condemned by the process. The commission had many complicated moments but tightened to the fullest at the end after a hard intervention of the socialist spokesman, Manuel Arribas, in which he called him as “nefarious and trilero.” Rajoy there exploded and disqualified the commission, the Government of Pedro Sánchez and left the room so “worried” and angry as to request elections already and predict that “on this way any day we ended up in cakes.”

Rajoy also did not answer who M. Rajoy could be. The former president has already emphasized him from the beginning. He went back to a commission of the Congress, but to record that he never had “knowledge” of the existence of these police operations or plots sponsored from the Ministry of Interior under his mandate, judicially investigated and that they have already caused the imputation of the then minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz, his former Secretary of Interior State, Francisco Martínez, and several police officers of that time. Since the beginning of his appearance, the former president has engaged in a discussion with the leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, who threw in his face all the reports and attacks that his training received. Rajoy there he considered convenient to self -define: “I am a right -wing person, but above all I am a Democrat.” He added: “I would never spy on members of the General Courts.” Belarra reproached him that under his governments all kinds of “tools to investigate to Podemos” were used and listed the 6,903 searches for components of that police cell about members of his party. Rajoy replied there as the foundation of authority that he never had “interest in making an inspection” of the members of Podemos because he did not consider them “so important.” Belarra recriminated Rajoy to take them for “fools” and that allusion served the former president to get tangled up in one of his famous laddies, something that pleased almost a fortnight of popular parliamentarians who wrapped him at all times and nothing was repressed in expressing his discontent with the most impertinent or rough questions of other spokesmen.

ERC spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián, and the leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, this Wednesday at the Convention.
ERC spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián, and the leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, this Wednesday at the Convention.
JJ. Guillén (EFE)

The deputy of EH Bildu, Jon Iñarritu, tried to find out who commanded the Strategy on Catalonia during Rajoy. Rajoy did not specify. He protected that he commented on those matters with his vice president, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, and other members of his team, but there he dispersed the background of the matter by commenting that he also spoke a lot in those critical years of the separatist process with the former presidents of the Generalitat, Artur Mas and Carles Puigdemont, but especially with the then leader of the PSOE, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. The mention of Mas and Puigdemont served him to try to legitimize his authority when he again denied them in private talks and lunches both a special fiscal pact for Catalonia and the possibility of organizing from the State a referendum of self -determination. Rajoy maintains that Puigdemont answered alone when he rejected that consultation: “You will not authorize it, because you cannot also.”

When Iñarritu and other deputies reflected Rajoy Audios, conversations, recordings known and recognized by different protagonists, including the controversial retired commissioner José Manuel Villarejo, both with interior positions and the general secretary then then of the PP, Dolores de Cospedal, the former president returned to his hose that he did not know everything: “The truth, what I want to tell him, I I have stopped being president seven years and the problem is to bring me here for issues in which I have not participated. ” The former PP leader also argued that both before, as now and in the future the police carry out all kinds of operations in Catalonia and wielded there that if his executive had set up that patriotic police would not have opened so many cases of corruption that affected his party “because how bad we would have handled it”.

Pressures with Andorra

When Josep Pagés, from Junts, insisted on knowing how it could be possible that characters in his environment such as his former cabinet chief, Jorge Moragas, Cospedal and others had relevant roles in contacts with Villarejo and other characters involved in those espionages and the president never arrived at anything. Rajoy demanded that only audios or evidence be put on his alleged direct participation. “They have been wrong as an interlocutor, I don't paint anything here,” he crushed.

The duel with Gabriel Rufián, the ERC spokesman, seemed not a rematch not resulted. They have found themselves more times. The Republican leader even confessed his “laziness”, knowing that he was going to get few things clear. He tried by the method he has already tried in other commissions with other former presidents. Without concessions: “Were you president of the Government, right?” He accused his government of stealing, spying, lying. Rajoy, annoying, refreshed Rufián a tweet he wrote at the final decisive moment of the independence process when Puigdemont doubted between calling elections or formulating that brief unilateral declaration of independence. Rufián then wrote: “155 silver coins.” And Rajoy identified him on Wednesday with Judas Iscariot, the traitor of Jesus Christ. The Catalan deputy raised the bar and compared Rajoy with the gangster “Vito Corleone, because he never threatened anyone, sent emissaries” and snapped that he should not be so proud of 155 because with it his government “imprisoned people to vote.” Rajoy resembled that everything done “it was worth it.”

The deputy of Sumar and in Comú, Gerardo Pisarello, tried to get Rajoy from some self -criticism of those years for his actions, for his absences or for his lies until he lifted one “of the most infamous in history.” He did not succeed and the former president returned on the virtues that he blamed from the past and future to 155. The popular expolitic already threatened there with a first direct criticism of the “government Frankenstein” by Pedro Sánchez for being “blackmail and threatened by the enemies of the Spanish Constitution.” Vox spokesman, Ignacio Gil Lázaro, former member of the PP, asked nothing and took the opportunity to speculate that both Rajoy's early appearance and the posterior of his Interior Minister Jorge Fernández, were a “rinse to hide the problems of the current corrupt government”.

The tiredness for the duration of the session, the interruptions of the deputies of the PP and the tone not complicating of the PSOE spokesman brought the appearance to another level of tension. The socialist parliamentarian Manuel Arribas barely wanted to ask anything. 167 police operations attributed to that patriotic plot to portray Rajoy as “a liar and a trilero” were armed by trying to hide behind his demonstrations that he did not know everything. Rajoy denied again to meet Villarejo, have read secret notes from interior or police officers or have intervened to appoint related prosecutors related to those cases. Arribas concluded: “In seven years of president you did not know anything about what your ministers or their state secretaries did.”

The former president of the Mariano Rajoy government, during his appearance. A. Pérez MECA/Europa Press 03/05/2025
The former president of the Mariano Rajoy government, during his appearance. A. Pérez MECA/Europa Press 03/05/2025A. Pérez Meca (Europa Press)

There Rajoy ended his patience. He compared his situation with the current president, Pedro Sánchez, “not having learned anything about Koldo case”He snapped to the socialist:“ I stop insulting me, with that missed and slanderous tone. You are a liar. ” The PP parliamentarians began to aim at the PSOE spokesman and the president of the commission. Miguel Tellado who was in the front row, cried out: “It's fine!” Rajoy no longer stopped: “You have lent yourself to this commission by seven votes (in reference to the components of the Junts Group that facilitated the investiture of Sánchez), by the amnesty, and by seven votes you let yourself be humiliated. This is the commission of the seven votes. This is a circus so that nothing is spoken of. ” And the former president finished insisting on the photos of the Koldo casein Santos Cerdyy even from Jessica Rodríguez, the ex -partner of the former Minister of Transportation. And it ended in the room: “By seven votes they bring insults, lies, ignominies, I hope that at least the State does not wear out. By seven votes the PSOE has lost dignity. ” At the exit, Rajoy told a group of journalists that the commission had seemed a “disaster, a nonsense” and predicted that on that path “any day we ended up to cakes.” Before the cameras he said that he did not make any sense and pointed again that what is now needed with elections already because the Sánchez government seems “a permanent scandal.”