[Trending News] Time for Spring 2025 in Portugal: “It may be rainy than normal in these regions,” warns Alfredo Graça

[Trending News] Time for Spring 2025 in Portugal: “It may be rainy than normal in these regions,” warns Alfredo Graça
In spring the thunderstorms begin to become more frequent, strong and organized, especially in their final stretch, as early as May.
Alfredo Graça

Alfredo Graça 10 min

O climatological winter is about to end and atmospheric dynamics is already showing more typical traits of the spring months. In the short time, the approximation of large Atlantic storms are not seen, but the formation and evolution of several casualties in the vicinity of our geography due to one jato polar who will perform more undulating in our latitude.

A Astronomical spring will start on the next day March 20 at 9:01 am (Continental Portugal and RA of Madeira, -01: 00 in the Azores), but for the Climatology, will start this Saturday, March 1. Next month, together with April and May, it is part of a quarter in which temperature and precipitation have certain common climatic patterns. In climatology it is considered that spring covers these three months, with its end to May 31.

Spring is known for its sudden variability of time states, with good periods of sun and stability to alternate frantically with periods of strong, thunder and sometimes hail.

A primavera is the transition station Between winter and summer, it concerns (“Primo Vere” – 'First Summer') and it is normal for the atmosphere to be very dynamic, which is why they are very frequent the sudden changes in the state of time.

How is the time this season is usually?

According to the normal climatological 1981-2010, the values ​​of higher average temperature from mainland Portugal to the quarter between March and May – between 14 and 18 ° C – It is roughly concerned with the districts of Santarém, Lisbon, Setúbal, Évora, Beja and Faro. Occasionally, in May, summer values ​​are recorded. Still as to the average temperature, in the Madeira Values ​​between 17 and 19 ° C It was dos Azores between 15 and 17 ° C.

Springs become warmer?
In the first half of the quarter there are still maritime or continental polar air, capable of producing a winter time for a few days. However, what has been more frequently observed in recent years is that Springs are becoming increasingly hot, with anopy temperatures in some situations. The station is disappearing over the ever -increasing summers in Portugal: they start sooner and end later.

The colder temperatures focus on the plateaus and the mountains and, above all, in high mountainwhere temperatures occasionally down below 0 ºC with the spring already advanced. As the weeks go by, the Frost is confined to the highest points of our geography, as well as the neve. In addition, the Days become longer and the fog dissipates fasteras the Sun gets more intense (incidence angle of sunlight).

In spring the frontal, continuous and persistent precipitation, progressively opens space for convective, strong and irregular precipitation.

Spring is one of the rainiest stations of the year in Portugal

A subtle analysis of precipitation values ​​in Portugal allows you to conclude that This season is of a central importance for all our geographywith special emphasis on the regions located south of the Tagus (Alentejo and Algarve), chronically most affected by water shortage.

When the winters are dry in southern regions, Spring is assumed as 'salvation' for water storage and drought mitigationin view of the cruel summers that these regions often face. The March -March quarter is particularly rainy in mainland Portugal – especially in Northwest and in some areas of Center -What is reflected in the proverb: “In April, Águas Mil”.

In this quarter, the values Mids of total precipitation exceed 600 mm in Minho (Sum of districts of VIANA DO CASTELO AND BRAGA) and overcome the 275 mm in the districts of Porto and Viseuagainst the Algarve – the drier region – and that, On average, it does not reach 100 mm. I have rated Madeira Values ​​are usually lower from 150 mm and, in Azoresthey usually surround the 250 mm.

Nas First weeks of springas fronts associated with Atlantic Storms usually have a great influence on Rain Distribution. Later, the ripples of the polar jet gradually gain land, which translates into the arrival of cold air bagsdepression valleys or isolated depressions at altitude to our latitude: in short, frontal precipitation gives way to a convective precipitation, more irregular. In the month of Mayas thunder already can be strong and very organized.

In 2025 a slightly warmer spring is foreseen than usual

According to the Meteored reference modelit is very likely that the temperatures register values higher than average in almost the entire territory of Continental Portugal, Azores and Madeira – between 0.5 and 1 ° C – In the month of March. A priorithere is no prospect of historical hot anomalies in Portugal, and they would be quite soft in the Algarve.

From north to south of mainland Portugal, the possibility of slightly warmer than normal temperatures (up to 1 ° C above average) in March, except in a small portion of the Algarve (without anomaly) and a small border zone of the northeast transmontane (positive thermal anomaly 1/1.5 ° C).

This standard is observed for both March and for April and Maycom temperatures not exceeding 1 ° C to the average of the period. As heat anomalies most significant are planned for some border zones do Northeast Transmontane and from Alto Alentejo (Districts of Bragança and Portalegre).

Although this does not seem to be the case to 2025it is recalled that, especially in Marcha possibility of the occurrence of strong cold vacancies still exists, which sometimes causes low temperatures e great nevons In some zones.

May rain more often in the regions south of the Douro River

Before the analysis of the trends of precipitationit is necessary to highlight that It is practically science fiction state whether or not it will be a very rainy springsince, as already mentioned, this season tend to occur various types of meteorological situations.

At the moment, Our reference maps reveal probability of Above average precipitation for the month of March I have rated Madeirain the islands of São Jorge and Terceira (Central Group) and São Miguel (Oriental Group) – RA DOS Azores and in all regions located south of the Douro River (including the Algarve), with one Positive anomaly 5 to 10 mm.

The current forecast for March bets on a rainy month than usual in all regions south of the Douro River, including the Algarve. North of that watercourse, only the district of Viana do Castelo would record more precipitation than normal.

For some areas of the districts of Coimbra e Leiria a specially positive and accentuated anomaly of up to 20 mm above normal.

If this scenario realizes, we would be before a Excellent news for the regions most affected by drought, such as the Algarve Well and the Coastal Alentejo. Still March 2025, for the regions north of the Douro Riverthere is no definite trend regarding the rainexcept in Alto Minho where they also perspective Values ​​above the climatological average.

Maps show the possibility of alternation between two standards dominant in Europa During the coming weeks: the anticyclonic blockadewhich would favor the circulation of low pressures on the southernmost latitudes of the continent, where Portugal and the NAO+which favors the stable and anticyclonic time in our country.

However, this It does not mean that there are no other standardswith the potential to trigger situations more conducive to the occurrence of precipitation.