[Trending News] Government grants point tolerance on Carnival Tuesday

[Trending News] Government grants point tolerance on Carnival Tuesday

The government approved the granting of point tolerance on Carnival Tuesday, March 3, in an order of the Prime Minister that will be published later this Wednesday, February 26.

The announcement was made by the Minister of Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, at the press conference after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

“It is a measure that is justified by the practice and habit established,” he said, since Carnival Tuesday is not an official holiday.

For this reason, he explained, the government renews the decision to grant point tolerance on this date, noting that the order applies “to the direct administration entities of the State and to public institutes.”

“Of course, all those entities that, for reasons of public interest, need to keep services in operation are subject to a different regime,” he said, and in these cases, employees will be entitled to a day of compensation on another date.