[Trending News] Antonio Canales suddenly leaves the house that accuses him of 'Inquiokupar'

[Trending News] Antonio Canales suddenly leaves the house that accuses him of 'Inquiokupar'

Unexpected turn in the war between Antonio Canales y Your homemade Pilar. After this will accuse him of Inquiokupa And to duty several months of rent, the dancer has decided leave home of El Alamo suddenly.

Apparently, it has been Sinai Giménez, the president of the Gypsy Society of Spain, who has asked him to Marche. After his message, the dancer has packaged his things in boxes and warned a Mouchers.

It has been precisely the van that has alerted the landlords that he left. “We have heard because a neighbor has called usWe didn't know anything, “says Alfredo, the homemade.

Although months ago they assured that they would forgive the debt if he left the house, Alfredo wants him to pay: “I don't forgive Antonio a shitto pay us what we owe us. “

Canales has shown the house inside and notifying its followers that it was leaving. “There are no rats of any kind here, I have my best careful house than her“, He says, denying the news that said that at home there were rats and throwing a dart to his homemade.

Although Pilar has finally achieved its goal, Canales leaves 6,000 euros of debt. Will your home make your money recover?