[Trending News] José Eduardo Moniz about Manuela Moura Guedes: “It's surviving …”

[Trending News] José Eduardo Moniz about Manuela Moura Guedes: “It's surviving …”

“CHow is Manuela? “ This was one of the questions that Manuel Luís Goucha ran to José Eduardo Moniz.

The two were talking on Thursday, the 20th, about the 32nd anniversary of Queluz de Baixo station.

“Manuela is surviving the dictates of life and holding on to the balance sheet that this halted sea brings”started by saying.

“This is one of the great injustices that has been committed,” Goucha noted, referring to the removal of Moura Guedes from television.

“Obviously Manuela is a great value of journalism and television, not going to ask me why I didn't bring it here, it's a matter of ethics, I can't do it – I won't bring people from my family to this television, If someone wants to do it, I will not be me. Anyway, it is a woman of much value, of energy and has revealed a remarkable resistance in the light of all that happened to her“He added.

Also read: José Eduardo Moniz: “I paid dearly as well as people who were dear to me”