[Trending News] Segurcaixa Adeslas confirms his participation in MuFace for the next three years and paves the end of the crisis

[Trending News] Segurcaixa Adeslas confirms his participation in MuFace for the next three years and paves the end of the crisis

To the third is the defeated. Segurcaixa Adeslas confirms his participation in the next concert of MUFACE FOR THE YEARS 2025, 2026 AND 2027. The company makes this decision after assessing the changes introduced in the tender, considering that “offers fair economic conditions and balanced. “The government paralyzed a few weeks ago the award to modify the offer with a Increase in contract value by 330 millionup to 4,429 million once the cost that the extension of the previous agreement entails. In total, 4,800 million have been budgeted.

“After the changes produced in the tender, a viable model can be configured that allows you to continue the health service of the officials of the officials of MUFACE over the next three yearsas is happening throughout its almost 50 years of existence, “they indicate in a statement. premium improvement up to 41.2% -In line with what the insurers requested- it is sufficient to dodge the losses. The insurer calculated that accepting the proposed proposed above of the 33.5% would entail some red numbers of 250 millionsimilar to those obtained in the 2022-2024 agreement. Previously, Public Function put an improvement of 17.12%on the table, an increase that was rejected by Adeslas, Asisa and DKV.

“Our approach to the new concert is none other than to achieve an economic balance that avoids dealing with new losses such as consequence of the infinance of the model“, underline. In this sense, the company participated by CaixaBank and Mutua Madrid He defends that “always” has been in favor of administrative mutualism after months warning about the “deficit situation” in which the mutual and the “undecoriation” was that was suffering.

The Minister for Digital and Public Function Transformation, Óscar López Águeda.

“The company has transferred that it was necessary to balance the total income and costs to achieve a scenario that allowed the continuity of the service, “they emphasize that the model is a “efficient benefit formula” and that has a lower cost than the National Health System, a statement that supports different independent studies, which do not need. Adeslas channels about 47% of health careso her decision paves the way to the end of the crisis that MuFace is going through.

The turning point occurred at the end of last January when the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Function had high -level conversations with Segurcaixa Adeslas to negotiate the price at which it would be willing to follow and thus achieve an approach between both parties. It remains to be known asisa's position, with a high probability that he attends, as well as DKV, on which there are more doubts. He Group belonging to the German Munich Re He has been critical of the duration of the contract that, in his opinion, should be of only one year in order to avoid costs.

The offer has also aroused the interest of old suitors such as Mapfre, who is studying the specificationsas its president has recently admitted, Antonio Huertas. It should be noted that the group abandoned MUFACE in 2009 and since then it has not agreed again. Along the same line, Sanitaswho left the circuit in 2013, also is examining, but “see your return”according to sources aware. The deadline to present expires on March 4.

This tender incorporates two determining novelties to guarantee its survival. One of them is the clause for the “Restoration of economic-financial balance “that allows to compensate for lossesprovided that the company justifies the motive, which may well meet an “extraordinary and unpredictable change” of circumstances, a “substantial increase in onerosity” or the absence of alternative means to avoid or alleviate such losses.

Also, after the preliminary market consultation launched after the First tender will be deserted at the end of 2024it was established that the calculation of the premium went from being linear to incremental with an extension of the Rate difference depending on the age of age. This will entail a review of the premiums, given that the payment that disburses the Mutual insurers will increase In the case of mutualists over 55, they are estimated at 517,000. On the contrary, it will be cheaper in the remaining 542,898, all of them aged Between 0 and 54 years.