The International Union for Cancer Control (IICC) estimates that cancer could exceed 30 million new cases in 2040
Dr. Máx Saráchaga said that “there are options for biotechnological treatments that improve the quality of life of patients”
Cancer cases will rise this year 3.29% in Spain
Cancer caused the Death of 9.7 million people In the world in 2022, a worrying panorama For the International Union for Cancer Control (IICC), since the organization predicted that by 2040 this disease could exceed 30 million new Cases worldwide.
To this estimate, in which one in five people It could develop this oncological pathology, new cases are added, and more than 19.9 million were registered in 2022.
Within the framework of World Cancer Day, UICC and AMGEN MEXICO (Biotechnological Treatments Developer Company) have joined 'United by the only one', the motto for this date that is commemorated every February 4.
This campaign also raises the Objective dictated by the UICCwhich until 2027 will pursue reduce the global cancer load y Offer focused care In people, considering patients, their families and nearby communities.
Along the same lines, Amgen Mexico's medical director Max Saráchagasaid that “people centered on people promotes equity and inclusion and aims to provide higher quality care to patients ”. In addition, he said that “it is an approach that Improve health education and the results in cancer prevention and treatment ”.
A forecast that affects Latin America
The prognosis for 2040 also indicates that this Case growth will occur above all In low income countries and medium, so it is important to serve regions such as Latin American.
In this region, breast cancer is The most diagnosed in women (26.1 %) and in men the prostate (21, 8 %), although for both sexes lung and colorectal cancer have percentages greater than 7 %, according to figures from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO ).
With that regional context, Saráchaga added the Mexico casewhere he warned that breast cancer is one of those who has greater incidence When registering more than 31,000 cases in 2022, he added that the presence increases in women over 50.
For this type of cancer he insisted on the Importance of “early detection as a tool to fight it ”and recommended the realization of “self -explorerations every month and program periodic mammograms ”.
He also stressed that colorectal and lung cancer are one of the most common in the northern country generating, in turn, High mortality. The first has about 15,000 new cases each year and the second causes more than 7,800 deaths per year.
Innovation in biotechnological treatments
On Amgen's work in Mexico, the doctor mentioned that “there are options for biotechnological treatments that modify the course of the disease and improve the quality of life of patients. ”
“In essence, They use biology and the capacities of the human body In favor of the patientinhibiting the reproduction of malignant cells or containing the domain effect caused by the disease, ”said the manager.
An example, he said, are “the Support therapies“, Which have shown”attenuate side effects that treatments cause in those who live with the disease, such as anemia, febrile neutropenia or bone events derived from metastases. ”